Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Free App Quest Continues! Animals and Christmas Adventures

One of the free apps i came across in my searches was Pet the Animals. It sounded cute but there is nothing more damning than when a four year old uses and app for two seconds and emphatically asks for a "new game." I had to agree with Wormie that Pet the Animals is hurting. The premise is pet the animal on the screen and the animal will "buzz" with excitement and make the appropriate sound. Dog's bark, horses neigh, cows moo. The graphics look like cheap stock photos and the app looks worse than AOL 2.5. Add in a overdose of the vibrate function and you've created one of the most popular free apps in the iTunes Free library. Strong work Apple.

Wormie got it right away and i actually think she was stunned at the stupidity...she had a look on her face like, "There is more right?" Sadly i couldn't find anything else. I did make the mistake of hitting the info button where users are prompted to buy other applications including Bikini Baristas and a WTF moment, apps that sound so lame they can only be real.

Age Range: 2-3
Difficulty: 4/5 (5 being easy)
Look & Feel : 1/5 (5 being cool)
Parent Helper: 1/5 (5 being helpful)

Wormie has gotten pretty good at navigating herself around my menu's and found one of the apps I was lining up for her to test on her own. The Christmas Card Match game was a free seasonal app similar to the Halloween matching game i reviewed in October. Wormie started it up and played a few games before making her way back to Santa's Cookies which I reviewed two weeks ago. The Christmas Card Match really wasn't in the spirit of Christmas cards but it was 1. free and 2. very Christmassy. My only complaint were the sounds were a little too "Space Invaders" for me so I guess the a publisher couldn't get his hands on any seasonal bells or something. That said I don't think Wormie minded too much since she played it for a good 5 minutes before moving on. All said and done I was impressed that Wormie made her way back to Santa's Cookies and proceeded to use the app for the rest of a car ride to day care which was another 10 minutes. I might have underestimated Santa's cookies!

Age Range: 3-5
Difficulty: 3/5 (5 being easy)
Look & Feel : 3/5 (5 being cool)
Parent Helper: 3/5 (5 being helpful)

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