Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wormie goes off the reservation with PreSchool Tap Animals Time

I downloaded preschool TAP Animals Time based on the world "Pre-School" being in the title.  Technically I do not think that my app selection criteria is all that rock solid but I am getting obsessed with trying to find apps that have some educational value.  The available resources on apps for kids are obviously not that great, or else i wouldn't be reviewing them, or else i wouldn't have to use trial and error.

Animals time is a sound picture matching game.  There is another version for "Toddlers" so I'm curious as to the distinction.  App functionality breaks down like this.  Four animal pictures appear.  Kid hits sound button and kid then chooses matching picture.   A correct match gets a smiley face and "Yes!". An incorrect match gets frown and "Oh No!"  Aside from how this will monkey with your child's self esteem and heighten their sense of anxiety I think it might be a little lost on the pre-school set.   Wormie diligently played with the app for a quite a while until i realized she was purposely getting all the matching items wrong to hear the voice to "Oh No" and "No, No."  It felt like she was making my iPhone squeal for the fun of it so i took it away.  If and iPhone had feelings it would have been upset.

Overall this is a solid app but the target is for younger kids.  I would say 2-3.5 are a good group for this sound picture matching game - the older preschoolers just end up teasing the poor phone.

Age Range: 2-4
Difficulty: 4/5 (5 being easy)
Look & Feel : 4/5 (5 being cool)
Parent Helper: 3/5 (5 being helpful) 
Price $.99

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