Monday, September 20, 2010

Netflix App - Rad for Kids if You Got Connection

I spent this summer getting my daughter ready for Spanish Immersion Kindergarten by watching videos on Netflix's "Watch Instantly" service.  I realize that sounds way too California/Silicon Valley but the way I saw it, the more she could hear Spanish in a format she was used too (cartoons and movies) the more comfortable she would be when she started school.  Watching the cable channels seemed too complicated and show's like Dora are just way too thin on content.   The streaming online service that Netflix offers is a great streaming video service and there is no extra cost attached, which was great since this was pretty experimental.   There are a lot of spanish language shows/films to choose from but only a handful were appropriate for kids.  My favorite was Elpidio Valdes, a Cuban cartoon from 1980, about one of the failed or successful revolutions against the Spanish.  It was probably a little too violent and political for my five year old, but what would life be without some inappropriate TV?

I was excited when the Netflix App came out and had such good reviews.  As an active user of their streaming service it seemed like a good fit.  I use the iPhone a lot when we travel to watch TV shows I download, and sometimes review, from iTunes.  This theoretically would cut down my iTunes bill substantially.

The App is not designed for kids so if you want to set you child up with a show you'll have to do all the work.   The easiest method is to set up your watch instantly queue online.  Once that is completed navigating to your queue and watching a show is literally two clicks.  You can still search by name and genre but I found that flow too cumbersome.  The actual video quality was quite impressive and as long as my connectivity was decent the experience was exponentially better than any other streaming video's i have tried to watch on my phone.

The app is really targeted at using the streaming service, and given that the library is substantial and growing every day this is a great feature for Netflix families.

Age Range: 3-6
Difficulty: 2/5 (5 being easy)
Look & Feel : 3/5 (5 being cool)
Parent Helper: 5/5 (5 being helpful) 
Price: Free if you have Netflix

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