Saturday, September 19, 2009

iToddler Tamer - Not sure I want to give my phone to a kid that likes this!

Both my kids have been perpetually obsessed with my iPhone, well... all my phones, in fact. At one point i even glued on print out of Palm menu glued it to an old Palm 650 and told Wormie that i fixed it. When i got a Blackberry i started letting Wormie play the Brick game that came with the ATT factory install. Now "Deadly", all of 10 months, wants in on the action and Wormies refinement about games is getting more complex, much like her taste in television - she has a complex low brow/high brow mix of "Care Bears/Nausicca Valey of the Wind" thing going.

Anyway...i was extremely excited by the title of iToddler Tamer -I mean, come on... it speaks to my whole desire of what a iPhone can do for me while waiting for Pancakes at Stacks! I downloaded iToddler Tamer and passed off to Wormie - tester, age 4.5. When i playedthe game i thought it was super lame - of course, i am not toddler and therefore not a adequate judge of how well this pupper works.

It is simple - and a little boring. Of course, i say this about an age group that has equal amount of fun splashing in puddles and popping bubble wrap. It does not have much functionality yet it avoids the "Mail To", game points, general confusion, and restart issues I have found with other applications. The general concept is that you can pick a Scene/Level- Babies, Ocean, etc - then different pictures (shell, baby bottle, etc) scroll through. You can move the pic and make it multiply before it darts off the screen and a new image shows up. BAM - that's it. That's all there is to it. Not good for 38 year old dad or mom... in fact the wife was super adamant that this was a stinker.

All that said Wormie was able to figure it out on her own so I liked it for that component. So many games i have to walk her through the functionality before she gets the hang of it. I'd say she actually spent 10 minutes with the game before getting bored which was not too bad. Still... not the best investment ever made. I think it will be good for slightly younger childern but I'm not sure i want to give the phone to a one year old so I will have to wait a bit before trying it out. on a younger set.

Age Range: 2+
Difficulty: 5/5 (5 being easy)
Look & Feel :3.5/5 (5 being cool)
Parent Helper: 3/5 (5 being helpful

Price .99

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